Steins of All Sizes

The word stein has German origins meaning stone jug/mug. The steins that originated out of the 14th century during the bubonic plague had to have lids on them for sanitary purposes.

My small collection has one from Germany an two from local Oktoberfests which I am very fond of.


From the Land of Sky Blue Waters


A trip down memory lane for my dad who gave me these glasses. He worked in the small bar in Manley, Nebraska in the 1960s. I love the stories he told. Back then he said a draw was 25 cents. Hamm’s had a great marketing line - From the Land of Sky Blue Waters. That paints a picture of some really good water being used in their beers.

The Falstaff glass will always remind of the Omaha breweries who kept the beer flowing for our packing plant workers. My grandfather was a meat packer all of his life and the fridge most of the time had Falstaff in it.



There Is No Place Like Nebraska


I thought it would be fun to start a section on beer glasses. I think many of us collect them. If you ask Mrs. Joe Java-Stout she will tell you I have way too many. I don’t think that is possible is it? Each glass I have is special in that it was from an event or brewery that I visited.

I would also say that I have more of certain styles of glasses than others. I always look for the right glass for that first beer when finishing a long day’s work. Just something I started doing and now has become a habit. One other thing you should know, when you have beers with Joe, you will get a new glass with each one!

Hope you stay tuned as I show some of my collection. Maybe even a little historical look into how certain styles of glasses came into existence.
