Ghoul approved
Mexican Lager has been a style that I have really started to notice over this past year. The history of Mexican Lagers is quite fascinating. It was the Austrian and German immigrants in Mexico wanting to make their lager recipes but realized it was difficult to get the malts they needed. The brewers decide to introduce an abundant resource of corn to produce a lighter lager with a hint of sweetness. Thus the Mexican Lager came into existence.
What a beautiful patio to enjoy a Ranchero!
The beauty of a good Mexican Lager is the malty soft bodied beer that many will equate to traditionally to being a summer beer. Lagers are excellent any time of year especially when you are looking for something that is not on the hoppy side.
Ranchero from Divots Brewery in Norfolk, Nebraska has put together a great recipe utilizing:
German yeast
German hop blend of Tradition and Magnum
A nice bit of corn
The result is an easy drinking beer with such a slight bitterness of the hops that finishes just a bit sweet from the corn. The flavor for me is wonderful and I personally would pass on the lime to get everything I can out of this 4.6% ABV and 13 IBU beer.
I have gained a real appreciation for lagers this year and thanks to Divot’s Brewery for introducing me to the Ranchero!