Joe Java-Stout Storyteller

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A Fashion Statement

I must have great fashion sense because yes, I do wear socks with sandals on occasion! German Lagers in my opinion have become extremely fashionable over the last couple of years. So, when you take the two incredibly talented lager breweries in a collaboration, you know it is going to be great!

Site-1 Brewing and Scriptown Brewing Company got together on a Father’s Day collaboration to create Dad Bod Dort. I must admit this is my first Dortmunder Lager, and it is so good! I will try to put into words what I am experiencing.

This lager is deeper golden than a Pilsner or Kolsch. Upfront, I can best explain this as a lightly buttered biscuit with a touch of honey. The body is soft and finishes with a little spiciness that is not bitter.

My pour might have been a little aggressive as you can see the bubbles. This is not an overly carbonated beer. It comes out of a can as perfect as it is on tap!

This beer comes in at 5.8% ABV and 28 IBUs. Just what dad needs all year around!
