My first interview for Perfect Pour Magazine about Code Beer’s Wild Hop Lager
2018 was another great year. So many fun brewery visits, events, and great craft beer. I have to admit that this year was incredible! I love being able to promote craft beer, especially the beer that is being brewed in my home state of Nebraska.
I enjoy meeting people who are also craft beer enthusiasts. Each and every conversation is so much fun. I continue to learn a lot from those who are brewing, serving, and consuming beer. It is a great time to be involved with craft beer doing any or all three of those items!
I still am amazed at all of the new things I got to experience. Here are a few of my firsts from 2018:
Attended the Nebraska Growers & Brewers Conference
Published a Book
Started Writing for a Craft Beer Magazine
Experienced the Brewing Process
Trained on How to be a Craft Beer Server
Volunteered at a Craft Beer Festival at a Hop Farm
Took a Beercation
Here are a list of the breweries I visited this year along with the beer I enjoyed most. The ones in bold are new for me this year:
5168 Brewing
Hawaiian Porter - coffee, vanilla, coconut, and cocoa nibs.
Benson Brewery
Brewers’ Duet - chocolaty, coffee stout.
Blue Blood Brewing Co
Two Gun Joe - malty, coffee,nutty brown ale with vanilla
Boiler Brewing Company
Coconut Coup - coconut porter.
Bolo Beer Co
Liberator DIPA great hop flavor.
Bootleg Brewers
Naked Orange Stinger - orange zest and honey in a refreshing ale.
Code Beer Co
IPA - Mosaic and Amarillo hops in one of this year’s best IPAs for me!
Empyrean Brewing Co
Long Route Peanut Butter Porter - chocolate and peanut butter in a well balanced porter.
Farnam House
Scarlet Rooster Amber Farmhouse Ale - French style biere de garde that was the most unique beer for me in 2018.
First Street Brewing Co
Popular Blonde - I am new to having coffee in a Blonde Ale and this one grabbed my attention!
Infusion Brewing Company
Peanut Butter Stout - an excellent dry stout with lots of peanut butter flavor
Kinkaider Brewing Co
Bearded Bock - robust, malty, and a little smoky - an eye opener for me to bocks.
Kros Strain Brewing Company
Hop Streaker - American Pale Ale nice and citrusy that was a summer favorite!
Lazy Horse Brewing
Breakfast Stout - robust, coffee stout with the creamiest head you will ever find!
Lost Way Brewery
Ye Olde Creamery Milk Stout - roasty, chocolaty goodness in a smooth stout.
Lucky Bucket Brewing Co
Wicked Joe - Certified Evil Imperial Oatmeal Stout with coffee aged in Cut Spike Single Malt Whiskey Barrels.
Nebraska Brewing Company
MOAB - Mother of all Bettys monster of a Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout. Rich, sweet, and potent!
Pint Nine Brewing Company
Oso Cafe brings a balance of hazelnut and Brazil coffee to a wonderful brown ale making it “oh so good”!
Prairie Pride Brewing Co
Wind Devil Red IPA - full of hop flavor without being too bitter - great balance.
Scratchtown Brewing Company
Black Eye Porter has been a knockout for me! This Imperial porter is creamy and chocolaty and the bomber bottle remains a center piece in my den!
Scriptown Brewing Company
Kolsch - this style of beer has been new to me this year and Scriptown nailed it!
Thunderhead Brewing Company
Calico Espresso Stout won’t disappoint your coffee craving and blends so well with the stout beer! An all time favorite!
Vis Major Brewing
If This Be Treason - is a New England style IPA that is a wonderful hazy, citrusy IPA.
White Elm Brewing
Imperial Stout is one of the richest stouts I have ever had! So decadent for dessert.
There are so many friendly faces around the state that are involved with craft beer! I had a great time visiting with everyone over the past year and yes I did put quite a few miles on the Jeep. I am always thankful for the brewer’s time to meet and discuss what they are up to. I know that everyone is really busy brewing trying to keep up with the demand!
Had so many great times this year meeting with friends whether at a tailgate, around the fire pit, or just for a casual conversation. Yes you can say I am kind of a “Oh My God Try This” type of guy! I love introducing people to new types of beer and to see their reaction!
2018 is almost in the books and I look forward to what 2019 will be. Need a story told, then let me sharpen my pencil and let’s get started!