I talked with my mom today, and she said she was writing her Christmas cards. I thought what a great idea it was, and I needed to make it a blog!
It is hard to believe that 2023 is coming to an end. If I were to summarize the past year, it would be all about good friends, road trips, and beer!
This past year, I enjoyed four great trips, the first being a visit to Big Hair Brewhaus in Hartington, Nebraska. This was special because it included a friend who had never been on a brew day, and Reed Trenhaile was a gracious host on an early Saturday morning.
The next trip was a Nebraska beercation with our good friends Paul and Kristi and a continuation to Colorado Springs with our friends Wendy and Mark.
The Nebraska trip included stops at Canyon Lakes Brewing Company, Pals Brewing Company, and Flyover Brewing Co. It was a scenic couple of days enjoying great beer and making it to Chimney Rock for the first time!
I think Mrs. Joe was a bit worried as to what our stay would be like in Colorado Springs. Wendy is a long-time friend of Mrs. Joe's and likes craft beer. It was a two-day stay that I will never forget! Garden of the Gods could be the closest thing to heaven on earth, but a close second was:
This visit was long overdue, and leaving the beauty of the mountains that such good friends had shared with us was hard!
The last road trip of the year started at 7:15 am and ended that night at 10:30 pm. There were time zones crossed and lots of stories told along the way! My great friends Lynn and Mike agreed to go across the state of Nebraska and were so gracious to drive!
We went to our first stop in Ogallala, Nebraska, to Second Chapter Brewing. This was personally my favorite story of the year to write! There is so much family and local history around the launching of this brewery.
Our next stop would take us to Holdredge, Nebraska, the home of Lost Way Brewery. Jessica Kraus, one of the owners, welcomed us and spent the next hour talking about everything happening at the brewery. Ever since attending the soft opening of this brewery over six years ago, it feels like coming home each time I visit!
From the brews I got to review in 2023, the following are my top five.
#1 Imperial Stout: Dark Lord
Three Floyds Brewing from Munster, Indiana, is the maker of the Dark Lord!
Let’s start with the brewer’s notes on this phenomenal Russian Imperial Stout!
Brewers Notes: A demonic Russian-style Imperial Stout brewed with coffee, Mexican vanilla, and Indian sugar, this beer defies description. Available one day a year, in April, at the brewery: Dark Lord Day.
The head is a thin, dark tan color. The nose on this stout is raisin and molasses. The most predominant notes are the sweet molasses and dark fruit. The secondary notes are mild coffee and chocolate. The body is full and warming in this decadent imperial stout!
The complexity of this 15% ABV imperial stout will ignite many different notes for each individual drinking this stout. This is genuinely an indulging experience. A must for stout lovers!
#2 Lager: Dortmunder
For those who enjoy German-style lagers, you will find a Dortmunder quite enjoyable! This lager originated out of the western Germain city of Dortmund. The style is a bit more malty when compared to other German lagers like a Helles but still as crisp.
Lupulin Brewing Company. created its version, which won a gold medal at the Great American Beer Festival. That is a tremendous honor! I am a big fan of those bready notes in a lager, which are present until the finish. A light touch of Hallertau hops at the end perfectly balances this magnificent lager!
On the technical notes, this Dortmunder is 5.5% ABV and 25 IBUs. This is just one of many incredible brews from Lupulin Brewing Company.
#3 Hazy IPA: Shark Jumper
Who doesn’t like a good Sharknado movie? I am sitting here imagining the shark landing on a soft cloud; hence, you have a Shark Jumper! Pint Nine Brewing Company knows how to make a good thing even better!
Shark Jumper is a hazy DIPA that takes all of the good qualities of the Cloud Jumper pale ale and takes it up a notch. This hazy has citrus (orange) and stone fruit (peach, apricot) notes in a slightly sweet body that finishes with mild hop bitterness. This is an IPA that everyone can enjoy! For those that frequent Pine Nine, I got Mr. Dunn to have one, and he never drinks IPAs!
It is hard to believe that it is 7.7% ABV. Shark Jumper is another excellent beer from Pine Nine Brewing Company. I would like to see them keep this one on tap more often!
#4 Cream Ale: Beans in my Satchel
I never could imagine that a Cream Ale could taste like Beans in My Satchel from Bearded Brewer Artisan Ales! The Cream Ale style was born in the United States in the 1800s. The desire was to have an Ale that drank like a smooth Lager but was a bit lighter and not as long to ferment. Corn was added to the grain bill to lighten the body. Being from Nebraska, I can see why that would be a popular addition! Oh, and most importantly, there is no cream in a Cream Ale.
Cream Ales are very approachable for most craft beer drinkers. Take that base Cream Ale and add Vanilla Butter Cream Coffee, peanut butter, and marshmallow flavor. I know I have grabbed your attention! I will give you a minute to think about this flavor combo. Being a lighter beer style, you want the coffee notes to be present without overpowering. This is the case with Beans in My Satchel!
The peanut butter and vanilla notes work well with the coffee. I think the vanilla notes come from both the coffee and marshmallow. With just a bit of sweetness, I enjoy it at home as an after-dinner beer and prefer it any day over dessert!
If you are looking for unique, creative brews, make your way to Bearded Brewer Artisan Ales in Omaha, Nebraska.
#5 Imperial Stout: Existential Bliss
Can you ever say you have experienced true bliss? Oh, the moment when the world stops, and nothing can interrupt how you feel. The first sip of Existential Bliss is that moment!
A collaboration between Humble Forager Brewery and Forager Brewery from Minnesota. This is one midnight dark, thick imperial stout! Chocolate and fudge notes like a brownie greet your tastebuds. The thick mouthfeel kicks in and has those whiskey notes I enjoy very much in a barrel-aged stout. The vanilla notes are less distinct to me, but I catch a glimmer in the finish.
Now, to the crazy extremes, these breweries went to create this stout! The beer was aged for 19 months in Buffalo Trace, Bairdstown, Heaven Hill, Willet Rye, and Templeton Rye barrels. They then took vanilla beans from around the world, including Vanuatu, India, Uganda, Madagascar, and Ecuador. Match that up with cocoa nibs from Bolivia, Peru, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, and Fiji. Who goes to those extremes?
The result is an unforgettable 12.5% imperial stout! I must give a shout-out to my friends, the Buckleys, who allowed me to experience Existential Bliss.
This year also has been great to meet new friends, Chip, Chad, and Molly. We enjoyed Wednesday's happy hour at Bearder Brewer Artisan Ales.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Beers!