From Paul Meyer's Facebook events page

From Paul Meyer's Facebook events page

On of my favorite ways to spend the first Friday of the month is in Benson. On Friday, March 2nd starting at 6:00 pm. at Bärchen in Benson, you will have not only the opportunity to have some of the best German, Belgian, and American craft beer, but you also a chance to see one of the best letter and graphic artists in the Midwest. 

Paul Meyer has a new art show called Letters & Words. Come see some amazing work and get to know the artist who has many different talents and also just a great guy to know! Have a pint or two and bring your friends. This could be one of the best shows of 2018 and you wouldn't want to miss it.

From Barchen Facebook Page - what an amazing pub!

From Barchen Facebook Page - what an amazing pub!

Photo from Barchen Facebook Page

Photo from Barchen Facebook Page

Check out this insane beer list.  Cheers!
