“What’s with all of the beard talk?”
Thanks for asking! I’ve joined the American Cancer Society’s NovemBEARD campaign to help save lives from cancer. This month I’ll be growing my beard to show my support and raise awareness for this important cause.
“What else are you doing to support the NovemBEARD campaign?”
In addition to growing a beard and raising awareness about cancer, I’ve committed to raising funds to help the American Cancer Society save more lives from the disease. Every dollar that I raise supports the Society and their work to save lives from cancer. I’d love your support! My goal is raise $1,000.
“What does the American Cancer Society do to support the fight against cancer?”
The American Cancer Society is determined to ensure that no one touched by cancer walks alone. They are committed to helping those currently dealing with a cancer diagnosis, those who may face a future diagnosis, and those who may avoid a diagnosis altogether thanks to education and prevention.
Every dollar raised helps the American Cancer Society save lives from cancer through early detection and prevention, innovative cancer research, and patient support. They are currently funding more than $100 million in breast cancer research grants nationwide. They also provide free, comprehensive information and support to those touched by cancer when and where they need it. And, the American Cancer Society helps people take steps to reduce their cancer risk or find it early when it’s most treatable.
“What can I do to support your NovemBEARD campaign?”
You can support my NovemBEARD efforts by attending this event and donating. If you can make the event, you can visit my page to make a donation or by sharing one of my social media posts as I work to raise awareness and funds. Thanks in advance for your support!